Important Documents

Launceston Camera Club - Constitution

Club Name and Aims
The club shall be known as Launceston Camera Club, hereinafter referred to as ‘the club’
The club aims to provide the opportunity for members to expand their photographic knowledge and skills through the exchange of ideas and mutual assistance and an organised programme of meetings, events, competitions and exhibitions.

Membership shall be open to the whole community regardless of sex, age, disability, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or other beliefs.
Junior members under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when attending any club meeting or event.
The committee may refuse or revoke membership, but only for good cause, such as conduct or character likely to bring the club into disrepute. Appeal against the refusal or removal may be made to the members at an Extraordinary General Meeting.
An annual subscription is payable by all members. The level of subscription will be reviewed annually by the committee and set at the AGM.

The Committee
The management of the club shall be vested in the committee which will consist of a minimum of eight members and maximum of ten members (including co-opted members).
The committee shall always include the following officers as a minimum: Chairman, Vice-chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. Other officers may be elected at the AGM or appointed from the elected committee members at first committee meeting after the AGM.
In the event of a vacancy occurring on the committee between AGMs, the committee shall have the power to appoint a successor until the next AGM.
The committee may co-opt additional members for specific tasks. Co-opted members will have no voting rights. The quorum for committee meetings is four (not including co-opted members) and must include two officers. Committee decisions will be decided by majority vote, with the Chairman having a casting vote.

Nomination and Election of Officers and Committee
All committee members shall retire each year and be eligible for re-election at the AGM.
All nominees and those proposing and seconding, must be current members of the club and have no outstanding subscriptions due.
Nominations must be submitted in writing to the Secretary not less than 14 days before the AGM. Submission must include name and membership number of nominee and their agreement to proposal; name and membership number of those proposing and seconding the nomination.
Should nominations received exceed the number required; the result will be determined by ballot at the AGM.
Should insufficient nominations be received before the AGM, then nominations may be received at the AGM, subject to the nominee being willing to serve.

Annual General Meeting (AGM)
An AGM will be held annually at the end of the season, normally in April each year. It will deal with the following:
Reports from Chairman and other officers as appropriate.
Treasurers report and audited accounts
Election of officers and other committee members (see 4 above)
Subscription Rates
Amendments to club rules or constitution.
Any other business appropriate for the AGM
Agenda items, motions and committee nominations must be submitted to the Secretary no less than 14 days before the AGM.
The quorum for an AGM will be 15% of the membership.

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
The committee may call an EGM at any time to deal with unexpected or special circumstances.
The committee is bound to call an EGM if requested to do so in writing (and signed) by at least 51% of the current membership. The request must be delivered to the Secretary and include explicit details of the items to be raised.
The committee must hold the EGM within 21 days of receipt of the request whether from the committee itself or from the membership. No other business may be conducted at an EGM than that which caused the request to be made.
The quorum for an EGM will be 15% of the membership.

Amendments to Club Rules, Competition Rules or Constitution.
No amendments to the existing rules or club constitution shall be made except at an AGM or EGM.
Notice of intention to propose such a change must be given to the Secretary no less than 14 days before an AGM and 21 days before an EGM.
The committee can decide amendments to the club rules.
Where any dispute arises in relation to existing competition rules, club rules or the constitution, the committee’s decision shall be final.

All expenditure to be overseen by the committee, all club funds must be banked with recognised banks or building societies.
The Treasurer shall keep and maintain such records and accounts as the committee shall agree. He/She will render an audited statement account to the members at the AGM.
An honorary Auditor may be appointed by the committee.
Cheques must require two signatories, one of which must be the Treasurer and the second to be one or more officers as agreed by the committee.

Winding Up
The decision to wind up the club can only be taken at an AGM or an EGM. In the absence of a quorum at such a meeting, a motion signed by six members or 10% of the membership, whichever is the greater, shall constitute the same decision.
Following the decision to disband, after discharging all debts and liabilities, the whole of the assets of the club shall be given or transferred to a charitable or voluntary organisation at the discretion of the committee.
Liability on each member shall not exceed 25p.

Launceston Camera Club, April 2023.

Reviewed April 2024 – no action needed - GT.